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Propaganda and Marketing Scheme for “Piggery Waste and Digestate for Use as Farmland Fertilizer” Policy

Based on the Piggery Waste and Digestate for Use as Farmland Fertilizer policy and through innovative marketing techniques such as "film making", "national and local radio broadcast", "marketing theme song creation" and "brochure and propaganda design", this scheme is to introduce to people the concept of piggery waste recycling, green energy, circular economy and cooperation between agriculture and animal husbandry, and urge those engaged in these two industries to change their previous way of disposing of animal feces and fertilization, as well as record and advertise the evolution process and the results of Taiwan’s circular economy. In addition, this scheme, by way of communicating with the public, helps us to seriously look at the challenges and difficulties of today in Taiwan’s environment, including water pollution and air pollution; it also helps to communicate Taiwan’s determination and dedication to a circular economy by using new means of mass communication. With the slogan of "Piggery Waste and Digestate as Fertilizer for Power Generation," this project uses marketing techniques such as propaganda films, radio ad broadcasting and campaign literature design to achieve consistency and the maximum benefits of marketing. In terms of propaganda films, we have a 3-minute propaganda film and a 30-second one, in which the theme song "Golden Years in Animal Husbandry" is included to make an impression on farmers and herdsmen. Those films are also broadcast on high-flow networks, while the 30-second film is even scheduled to play on charitable platforms. In consideration of the listening habits of farmers and herdsmen, two other radio ads were also made and broadcast on national and local radio stations, totaling 2,277 broadcasts. To make the propaganda films known to the public, the 3-minute film is to be uploaded to YouTube to hopefully achieve at least 5,000 views. Through two interviews and showings of network news, the farmers and herdsmen can better understand the content of policies. With these marketing techniques, this project is expected to reach a minimum of 1.539 million people at its highest effect.
circular economy, piggery waste and digestate for use as farmland fertilizer policy, green energy